Frequently asked questions


I’m new to this preset thing. How does it work?

These are mobile presets for editing phone images! All you need is the free version of The Lightroom Mobile App to use them!

How will I get access to the presets?

After you click the link to purchase the presets, you will receive an email to download the presets, along with an Install Guide PDF to walk you through the install process!

I’m not a professional… I just want to have an easy way to edit my personal memories! Is that ok?

Of course! These presets are for anyone! Moms, creatives, bloggers… I even have grandmas loving and using them on photos of their grandbabies! My goal was to make them user friendly AND simply beautiful... I’m excited for them to help you make editing simple.

Do I have to buy these again if I get a new phone?

Nope! They're yours FOREVER. You'll still have access to your member's page where you can redownload them to your shiny new phone.

Is this a one time payment?

Yes! The presets are a one-time payment and come with an Install Guide to get you all set up using the presets, editing images quickly and easily from your phone!

Do the presets change the quality of the image? Can I blow them up on canvases in my home?

The presets don't strip any quality from the photos! However, since phone images can be lower quality images in general, check with your print company to confirm before order larger scale prints!

Do I need specific camera gear or equipment to use the presets?

The only thing required to effectively use the presets is a camera phone and the free version of The Lightroom Mobile App. That’s it!

I’ve felt like I have wasted money on presets before… how are these different?

The Janel Gion Creative Collective Lifestyle Mobile Presets were designed to give you the perfect preset to use in any lighting situation AND the tools to use it to make any image bright, beautiful & consistent!


YES, I want them!